Sign up using your Parcel Number or APN—no property address needed to start your appeal.
If you do not have an address or know what it is, you can still sign up to appeal with Ownwell with a Parcel Number or APN. A property’s parcel number is a unique ID number assigned to each property for tax purposes. It can be found on your tax assessment valuation notice and on the county assessor’s website. The process to sign up this way is easy, but it may take us a little longer to verify property ownership.
Follow these steps to sign up a property with a Parcel Number or APN:
Select “Start Your Appeal” in the upper right corner of the website on desktop or select the three lines in the upper right on your mobile device then select “Start Your Appeal” at the button of the menu.
Under the address entry box, select “Enter Your Parcel Number”.
- Select your state and then county. In some counties, we provide a link to the county appraisal district’s website. You can use this link to find out your Parcel Number or APN.
Enter your Parcel Number or APN, to search for the correct property. By using our search function, we will be able to quickly match your Parcel Number or APN to the correct property. Otherwise, we may require additional information and steps to verify property ownership.
- Select “Calculate Savings” to continue. Note: We will only be able to show a savings estimate if you select an APN match from our search.
- Continue signing up by answering the questions as prompted. The questions vary depending on property type and location.
Make it official by digitally signing the Ownwell Service and Authorization Agreements. To sign on a desktop or laptop computer, hold down your mouse or trackpad and draw your signature. To sign on a mobile device, use your finger to draw your signature.
Having trouble signing? We require a certain amount of complexity for a signature to be accepted. Keep drawing to complete the signature.
Your property is officially signed up! If you are signing up for the first time, be sure to confirm your email address by entering the confirmation code sent to your email when prompted.
- Continue from here by setting a password for your personalized property portal and then complete your annual property survey
keywords: parcel number, APN
How can I pause or cancel my service with Ownwell?
How do I sign up to appeal my property with Ownwell?
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